
Geovanny F.

Ambassador at Lees-McRae College

Class of 2025

Hometown: Jacksonville, NC

Major: Wildlife Biology

Specialization: Wildlife Rehabilitation

Favorite thing to do in the area...

My favorite thing to do is go on walks with my friends and just talk.

Favorite thing about Lees-McRae....

My favorite thing has to be the relationships that I build on campus.

Why I chose Lees-McRae...

I chose Lees-McRae because you build a family with people that seem to come out of nowhere and make your life fun and eventful.

Most memorable Lees-McRae experience...

My most memorable memory is my first time sleeding down a hill with my friends my first year of college.

I'm passionate about...

reptiles Painting Games Rehabilitation herpetology amphibians

I'm involved with...

CAB Common Ground Order of the Tower