
Hannah F.

Alumnus at Lees-McRae College

Class of 2024

Current: Orange Park, FL

Major: Criminal Justice

Specialization: Forensic Psychology

Secondary Major: Psychology

Minor: History

Most memorable Lees-McRae experience...

Seeing bear cubs climb up the trees right outside my apartment.

Favorite thing about Lees-McRae....

My professors! I love the bond that I have cratwd over the years, and they feel like family.

My advice to students searching for a college...

Don't settle. If a college does not have what you're looking for, don't be afraid to look around more. Find a college that fits you.

Why I chose Lees-McRae...

I chose Lees-McRae because of the area and the down to earth feel.

I'm passionate about...

Music Books more books Eating Going to the gym Animals Thrifting Eggs

I'm involved with...

Softball Rockclimbing Alpha Phi Sigma SAAC Order of the Tower Honors College
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